One More Unique Partnership - Aquarium Boutique

One More Unique Partnership

From our social media posts and the way we operate, perhaps everyone has understood that our goal at Aquarium Boutique is to offer the Bulgarian market, aquarium products with added value, and not just price. Our products are not the type you can find on mainstream platforms and physical stores. They have high added value, made with a lot of energy, social engagement and love. We put these three things into every product we offer. The products in our portfolio result from a long selection process, gathering user feedback and market research.

It is precisely the energy, social engagement, and love that Aquacaves put into their work that makes us identify with them. Captivated by the beauty of the unique caves, created by Dan Ingineru, we saw not only high-quality products but also true art. When we met Dan, we saw in him an artist who puts his heart and soul into his unique art. Dan is a teacher who works with young children and wants to impart his ideals and values to his students. By calling, he is a creator, and the clay in his hands is like a child in its mother's hands.

When we discussed the presentation of our partnership with Dan, we suggested featuring a video of a ceramic caves "burning" in a fire that he had posted on social media. Dan insisted that we should use a specific piece of music from the movie "The Terminator." We considered whether there might be a more suitable melody, but Dan was adamant: "When I made this hide, I listened to exactly this song. To feel the energy from its creation, the video must have exactly this melody." This is Dan. I don't think more explanation is needed about what kind of person the founder of Aquacaves is.

Once we understood who we were dealing with, we inquired about the team, the base, the working environment, the materials, and the methods of work. We then realized that we were meeting not just a typical creator but a person who could also manage things well. He uses only high-quality clay and fires the products at a temperature that ensures there are no broken hides during transportation to clients. His team is young and professional, and the caves are made to individual customer’s specifications. The products are lightweight but durable, which means lower transportation costs and a more affordable final price for the customer.

Anyone can make ceramic caves, but we are talking about products from another reality. The difference between Dan and other manufacturers is that he is also an aquarist who knows the fish that will inhabit his creations. This helps him make not only the exterior but also the interior of the hide, perfect for aquatic inhabitants.

When we met with him, there was a professional photographer in the studio making unique photos. Even so, it couldn't fully capture how good his creations are. When he showed us a piece – a "ceramic" mangrove root – we were amazed that it was made of clay. Dan told us that this product has several advantages, but one of the greatest is that a mangrove root will have deformations and breakages after years of use, while his product will remain intact for over 300 years.

With this partnership, we will pass on to our customers a part of our energy, social responsibility, and love, and we are confident that they will feel and capture it. Thank you for being with us on this journey and for sharing our passion and vision. You are the reason we continue to look for and offer only the best. Together with Aquacaves, we will make the world of aquatics more beautiful and inspiring.

With much love and gratitude,

The Aquarium Boutique Team

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